Microsoft 365 Copilot Malaysia

Microsoft 365 Copilot Malaysia 1

Microsoft 365 Copilot Increases Productivity

Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 is an AI assistant designed to work seamlessly within your Microsoft 365 applications. It acts like a digital co-pilot, helping you with various tasks to boost your productivity. Here’s a breakdown of its key features:

Pentech Solution Sdn Bhd is an authorised Reseller Microsoft 365 Copilot Malaysia

We do not only sell, we provide installation and full fledge consultation and Training for your organisation
  • Increased Creativity and Productivity: Copilot can help with tasks like summarizing documents, suggesting email replies, creating presentations, and even writing different creative text formats.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: It facilitates collaboration by analyzing your team’s data and suggesting insights or next steps within projects.
  • Improved Skill Development: Copilot can recommend learning materials and suggest actions to help you improve your proficiency with Microsoft 365 applications.
Microsoft 365 Business

Basic Requirements for Copilot (Licenses)

Only specific Microsoft 365 licenses allow the usage of Microsoft 365 Copilot. Just take a look at the chart

Compatible Licenses
Microsoft 365 Business Standard
Microsoft 365 Business Premium
Microsoft 365 E3
Microsoft 365 E5
Office 365 E3
Office 365 E5
Microsoft 365 A3 for faculty
Microsoft 365 A5 for faculty

Let Copilot do your Work. Productivity skyrockets!!!!

Tired of repetitive tasks slowing you down? We’re excited to announce Microsoft 365 Copilot, your AI assistant for work! Copilot uses cutting-edge technology to understand your information and seamlessly integrate with your existing Microsoft 365 apps. This powerful combination transforms your work, making it faster and easier.

Copilot in your favorite Microsot apps
ApplicationHow it increases productivity
Microsoft WordsWriting and Editing Powerhouse: Copilot can jumpstart your writing by generating drafts based on prompts or existing content. It can also refine your writing by suggesting rewrites or improvements to sentence structure and clarity.
Research Assistant: Stuck for information? Copilot can search the web and integrate relevant details directly into your document. It can also summarize existing documents to save you time.
Formatting Made Easy: Transforming text into tables or suggesting different formatting options is a breeze with Copilot’s assistance in Word

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Microsoft ExcelData Analysis Guru: Copilot can analyze your data in Excel, recommending charts, identifying trends, and helping you uncover hidden insights.
Formula Hero: Need help with a formula? Copilot can recommend the perfect formula based on your data and desired outcome.
Data Cleaning Champion: Copilot can help clean up messy datasets and suggest formatting options for improved clarity and organization.

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PowerPointPresentation Design Partner: Copilot can create presentations from scratch based on your ideas or enhance existing ones. It can suggest layouts, transitions, and visuals to make your presentations shine.
Data Visualization Master: Similar to Excel, Copilot can recommend charts and graphs to effectively represent your data points within your presentation.
Storytelling Coach: Brainstorming ideas or crafting compelling narratives for your slides is easier with Copilot’s assistance.

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Microsoft LoopInformation Aggregator: Copilot can connect with Loop components to gather relevant information from different sources and populate your Loop workspaces.
Actionable Insights Provider: Copilot can analyze data within Loop and suggest next steps or actions to move projects forward.

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Microsoft TeamsMeeting Recap Specialist: Copilot can generate summaries of your Teams meetings, capturing key points and action items for future reference.
Communication Coach: Need help crafting the perfect email or message within Teams? Copilot can suggest phrasing and ensure clear communication.
Real-time Research Assistant: During meetings, Copilot can help research topics in real-time and provide relevant information to the team discussion.

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Microsoft Forms and OneNoteSurvey Design and Analysis Assistant: Copilot could assist in creating clear and concise survey questions in Forms and analyzing the collected data.
Smart Notetaking Partner: Copilot might help with notetaking within OneNote, suggesting summaries or extracting key points from handwritten notes.

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Microsoft GraphData Integration Powerhouse: Copilot can access and integrate data from various sources connected through Microsoft Graph, providing a more comprehensive view within your documents or presentations.
Enhanced Functionality Champion: Plugins and connectors can extend Copilot’s capabilities by allowing it to interact with specific applications or services.

Need Consultations? Need Training? Contact us
Understanding the Microsoft 365 Copilot
Maiximiized Productivity With Microsoft Copilot For Microsoft 365
Microsoft Loop. How you streamline Data and information
Copilot with Microsoft 365. Utilising the best of both world

Pentech Configure All For Your Organisation

At Pentech Solution Sdn Bhd, we are 100% committed to providing smooth AI and digital transformation. Regardless of the size of the company, we are here to guide you in everything concerning AI integration.

We provide comprehensive Upgrade and Configuration to fit your organisation

  • Upgrading the Microsoft 365 
  • Configuring Microsoft 365 admin centre
  • Configuring Microsoft Outlook to have a Copilot function updated
  • Configuring Microsoft  Loop to have a Copilot function and updated
  • Configuring Microsoft  Teams to have a Copilot function and updated
  • Configuring Microsoft End Points in the Network to prevent blocks in terms of IP and domains

Stay tuned and follow our post. We will be sharing tips and tricks at Pentech Solutions Sdn Bhd

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